• Adobe systems has announced Adobe Type Manager 3.8 , which runs native  
on the Power Macintosh. To ship in August, ATM 3.8 supports Apple’s QuickDraw
GX and includes the 13 Type 1 fonts found in most laser printers. In addition, Adobe
is bundling 17 extra fonts including Giddyup, ITC Anna and the Tekton multiple
master font. Adobe Type Manager 3.8 is expected to retail for less than $100
Canadian. ($60 US.)
• Adobe has also introduced Adobe Dimensions 2.0, a three dimensional
PostScript object modeler, adding such features as multiple undo and the ability to create and edit paths, enter and edit text and print without leaving the application. Adobe Dimension 2.0 runs native on the Power Macintosh, and is expected to retail for less than $275.00 Canadian. ($200 US.)
• Adobe recently debuted Illustrator 5.5, an new version of its popular PostScript drawing package. Version 5.5 adds text features such as tabs, a spell checker, search and replace by font and support for Adobe’s Portable Document Format. In addition, Illustrator 5.5 runs native on Power Macintoshes. Pricing is expected to be below $750 Canadian. ($595 US.)
• SuperMac has introduced SpigotPower AV, a new digital video card for all AV  
Macintoshes (except the Power Macintosh 6100/60av), providing inexpensive pro-
fessional-quality digital video. Said to enhance the audio and video capture quality of
the AV Macs, the new 7” NuBus card features JPEG hardware compression/decompression and can deliver full-screen, full motion 24-bit color video at 30 frames per second. The new board supports the forthcoming QuickTime 2.0 , and retails for less than $1500 Canadian. ($1000 US.) The SpigotPower AV is expected to ship in August.
• Byte Magazine has lauded Apple’s new PowerBook 500-series notebook compu-
ters with the magazine’s ‘Best of Show’ award for the most technologically innovative
products at this spring’s COMDEX, the largest computer trade show in the U.S.
• Aldus Corp. has introduced Type Twister, a revolutionary tool for effort- 
lessly creating special type effects. With the ability to modify TrueType and
Adobe Type 1 PostScript fonts with color, shape, fill and other wild stuff, Type
Twister offer limitless creative possibilities to jazz up documents and present-
ations. Type Twister ships with 20 fonts and is expected to be less than $50.00
Canadian. ($30 US.)
• If you have a Newton, look at it now. Kinda useless, eh? When you first got your  
hands on the little marvel, you dreamed of taking notes with it, keeping your schedule in
it and, most of all, keeping track of your finances with it. Well, I did, anyway.
I could never justify spending $150.00+ on Money Magazine Financial Assistant. After all, I wanted to track all the money I spend on frivilous items. Then one day, when I was on America Online! Kapow! There it was! Pocket Money!
Written by a gentleman named Hardy Marcia, this little program is exactly what I have been looking for all along. Keeps track of all my accounts, including credits cards and loans, and tells me what I am worth (groan). A little difficult to explain here, but trust me, it's one fine piece of software...and it's shareware!
You can find Pocket Money on most online services. If you use it, please pay the shareware fee. Mr. Marcia really deserves it for his hard work.
• IBM is reportedly working on another PowerPC chip, speculatively called  
the 630. It is expected to be double the performance of the 620 chip (which will
be available by year end in limited quantities), and could debut in high perfor-